lode|lodes in English



vein of metal ore

Use "lode|lodes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lode|lodes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lode|lodes", or refer to the context using the word "lode|lodes" in the English Dictionary.

1. The spleen is the mother lode for hairy cells.

2. A handful of Lode country or main Lode country byway little orebody assume vein, or have the characteristic of balk reappear, compound of branch.

3. He was upside down in a tank of water with chains and lodes all lank.

4. Synonyms for Argosies include mines, wellsprings, cornucopia, gold mines, hoards, bonanzas, lodes, founts, sources and treasure houses

5. Lode, lode •abode, Bestrode, bode, code, commode, corrode, download, encode, erode, explode, forebode, goad, implode, load, lode, middle-of-the-road, mode,… Native American Code Talkers , ADRIENNE WILMOTH LERNER Windtalkers was the code name given to the Navajo Indian code talkers employed by United States military intelligence durin…

6. After two decades the game concept of Lode Runner still retains all of its original charm.

7. A moment later the beautiful young man from Gasset and Lode came out, looking peeved.

8. California's Crystallized gold tends to come from small near-surface lode deposits referred to as "pocket mines." Oddly enough, most of these occurrences are not in the famous Mother Lode region, but rather are located in either the East Belt or in an area north of the Mother Lode that is generally referred to as the Northern Mines.

9. It is a section of the electromagnetic frequency scale, a lode of natural channels used by cellphones.

10. In all, Barratt considered that an effectual trial on the Bonsor Lode could be made for about £000.

11. He said that in the old days men came here probing for gold trying to find their lode.

12. ‘It can be found in fissure veins and brecciated Amygdaloidal basalt lodes but not in the conglomerate lodes.’ ‘Orebodies in the fissure veins and both rock types were formed by hot water solutions moving upward and laterally along fractures and fault zones, brecciated Amygdaloidal flow tops, and permeable conglomerate beds.’

13. Since 1970 to 2014, Spain has had seven different educational laws (LGE, LOECE, LODE, LOGSE, LOPEG, LOE and LOMCE).

14. Clint & Jennifer Claassen of Clipped In Races: Prairie City Races, Folsom Grom, Mother Lode Epic, Sacramento Cyclocross, West Coast CX Points Prestige.

15. Cologne (Köln) offers a mother lode of attractions, led by its famous cathedral whose filigree twin spires dominate the skyline

16. A simple riffle system can speed up the processing of the lode All this has led to some skill rubbing off.

17. Chattered cinctured thanks to extraterritorial pharmacies for famotidine without rx quadratic; serrefine, unrising lodes nexium side effects until sweetish bend nexium side effects Antisensuously that of an cheapest buy rabeprazole sodium price singapore berlin precast disappointing

18. The Golden Blowhard, America’s modern-day Wizard of Oz, struck the mother lode at CPAC in Orlando when he came to see that the dream of MAGA – the continued promise of fully restoring and

19. Defines functions Alluviate guide_lodes stat_alluvium Documented in stat_alluvium #' Alluvial positions #' #' Given a dataset with alluvial structure, `stat_alluvium` calculates the #' centroids (`x` and `y`) and heights (`ymin` and `ymax`) of the lodes, the #' intersections of the alluvia with the strata.

20. Silver, Arsenides; 14.0x6.8x2.3 cm; Largest Crystal Size: n/a; $225.00; Cobalt Lode Mine; Cobalt Ontario, Canada; Very rich, well formed dendrites of native silver course through a vein composed of dolomite and cobalt-nickel Arsenides

21. The pro-Arbitrationist Federated Engine Drivers and Firemens Association (FEDFA), the second largest union on the mining “line of lode”, refused to support the strike, as did the largest of the surface unions, the Amalgamated Society of Engineers

22. ‘The facility is also equipped with numerous bartackers, Buttonholers, fusing machines, cutting machines and steam irons.’ ‘There's a woman in the mother lode country who collects Buttonholers, and one in New York who collects toothpaste and tooth powder.’ ‘If I …

23. ‘The facility is also equipped with numerous bartackers, Buttonholers, fusing machines, cutting machines and steam irons.’ ‘There's a woman in the mother lode country who collects Buttonholers, and one in New York who collects toothpaste and tooth powder.’ ‘If I …

24. [Attested from (1150 to 1350) to the early 17th century.][1] 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.viii: Vpon his Courser set the louely lode, / And with her fled away without Abode.· (dated or law) Stay or continuance in a place; sojourn

25. ‘For the next ten years it was leased to tributors who worked the old stopes of the conglomerate lode above the Adit level.’ ‘The area has several Adits and numerous small pits and cuts.’ ‘Two shafts and an Adit were ultimately driven, but Dunham reported that recorded output of …